God’s Sovereign Plan: Lessons From Jacob and Esau [Romans 9:10-13]

January 28, 2024

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Monty Simao 2014Sermon Notes

Date: 01/28/2024

Preacher: Monty Simao, pastor

Series: Romans

Key Text: Romans 9:10-13


How does God choose?

Today on Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Pastor Monty Simao continues our study in the book of Romans in which  the Apostle Paul confronts us with the profound mysteries of divine sovereignty through the narratives of two prominent biblical figures — two brothers — whose stories transcend time and culture: Jacob and Esau.

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And it is through these siblings that questions are raised that have echoed throughout the corridors of Christian history: How DOES God choose?

And what does it mean to be elected by Him?

And, ultimately, where do we find ourselves in this grand narrative of grace and mercy?

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