

Worship: Worship is the act of giving to God the praise which he is worthy to receive. We do this as a body when we gather to sing, pray, give and listen to the teaching of God’s Word every Sunday at 10:00 AM.

Common Meal: Every Sunday we end our time together with a common meal. It gives us the opportunity to relax around the table, eat, catch up on the week, build relationships and encourage one another. If you are a guest, we welcome you to stay for the meal even if you have not brought any food with you. We always have more than enough, and we would love the opportunity to serve you and get to know you. The common meal begins about fifteen minutes after the service.

Communion: The first Sunday of every month we observe the Lord’s Table. This is a very special time as we remember the Lord’s sacrifice on our behalf and rejoice in his finished work.

Prayer: Sunday evening is reserved for a time of prayer and fellowship with one another. We take the time to share burdens, encourage one another and lift our hearts to God. Sunday evening prayer meeting begins at 6:00 PM.

Missions: We strongly desire to support and uphold those who are taking the Gospel to places we are not able… partnering with other believers who are spreading the good and joyful news of the Gospel to people both locally and around the world.

Podcast: Our Podcast is a ministry: first and foremost to our congregation, but also to those outside our geographical reach. We marvel at how God is using this technology for His glory.

Study Resources: To help you understand and grow strong in the faith, we have a number of resources to assist.

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