Book-of-the-Month (Current)

One of my prayers for our church is that we would be a “reading church” — first and foremost, the Word of God, but also the many helps that the people of God have left the church over the years.

— Pastor Monty

May 2024

Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

“The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis is a thought-provoking and satirical novel that takes the form of a series of letters from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew, Wormwood, who is a junior tempter. The letters serve as a guide on how to corrupt and lead a human soul away from virtue and towards damnation.

Set against the backdrop of World War II, the novel explores the nature of good and evil, the human capacity for temptation, and the subtleties of spiritual warfare. Through Screwtape’s cunning advice and insights, readers are offered a unique perspective on the challenges and pitfalls that individuals face in their spiritual journeys.

Lewis employs a clever narrative device, presenting the story from the demon’s point of view, to offer a satirical commentary on human foibles and the ways in which individuals can be led astray. “The Screwtape Letters” challenges readers to reflect on their own beliefs, morality, and the choices that shape their lives, making it a timeless exploration of the complexities of human nature and the battle between good and evil.

An entertaining book that will keep you glued while giving you spiritual awareness. — Pastor Monty


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