The Triumphal Entry [John 12:12-19]

Sermon Notes

Date: 03/23/2024, Palm Sunday

Preacher: David Teves, deacon

Key Text: John 12:12-19


They hailed Him, King!

…the king who had come to save them —the Jewish people— from the oppression of the Romans.

But, instead (fulfilling Old Testament prophecy), Jesus —just five days before what would be Good Friday— humbly entered Jerusalem, not on a white steed, but a gray donkey… symbolizing peace, not war.

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Today on this Palm Sunday, Scandia Bible Church Podcast, Deacon David Teves examines a passage that most just see as a historical account of the path Jesus took to the cross. But is it more than that?

Does this passage have relevancy for US today?

…And if so, how can we apply it to our lives?

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Discussion Guide:

Use of this guide is designed to help you think about Deacon David’s sermon. It is for both individual reflection, as well as group discussions like family worship.

My prayer is that it will allow you to dwell longer, and meditate more, upon God’s holy Word and will be fodder for sanctifying conversations.

— M.S. 

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